Unleash your Unique Medicine: Weave the Wisdom of Medicine Leadership and A Clear Simple Prayer into your Life’s Work

Are you ready to learn from George Bertelstein's wisdom teachings that he developed as a counselor and medicine man over 30+ years?

Are you ready to learn and be mentored  by George Bertelstein  who has been a counselor and medicine man for over 30+ years?

Do you hear a quiet whisper from deep within that is telling you there is something bigger waiting for you?

Welcome to the Medicine Leadership Facilitator Program… a 3-month certification based on the teachings of Medicine Path Church leader George Bertelstein.

In this 3 month immersion, you will receive hands-on training and mentorship from our facilitators: George and Georgia Bertelstein, and Zev Aaron, to become a Certified Medicine Leadership Facilitator, all guided by the principles of Medicine Leadership and wisdom of George's book, A Clear and Simple Prayer.

This is for you if...

» You want to become certified to offer counseling and coaching to people on the medicine path

» You want to become the "Medicine Person in the Room"

» You want to sharpen your counseling skills and begin offering your gifts to paying clients

» You are in the field of spiritual service and want to expand your existing tools that you have to work with your clients (or have plans to be in this field)

» You’re excited to be part of a cohort of amazing healers and gifted human beings on the medicine path.

» You desire to apply the wisdom and knowledge of Medicine Leadership into your sacred offerings

» You want to improve your leadership skills in your life and career

» You recognize the power of prayer and its potential to shape your reality

» You desire to live a more prayerful life

»  You are seeking a deeper connection to medicine traditions and practices

» You want to learn and receive direct mentorship from people on the medicine path

This Program will Cover the 11 Core Tenets of George's Facilitation Teachings:

1. Pay Attention

2. Have no Doubt

3. Listen

4. Be Transparent

5. Get Uncomfortable

6. Impeccable Integrity

7. Orienting to Healing Always

8. Regular Purification

9. Observable Reality

10. Sense of Wonder and Awe

11. Cultivate not Knowing

A Message from George...

My prayer is to help people who are fully committed to learning who they are, what they are here for and how they wish to be in the world. These are the questions within the questions of our lives. We will have the time together to find full expression for our selves and our intention for our lives and how we can use prayer and connection as the guiding lights for our lives.

My prayer for the cohort we will create is that nothing will change but your whole life and the lives of those you love. In this way we will become masters of our own lives and be able to help others do the same. Discovering who and what we really are here to do is the most important and valuable thing we can do for ourselves and others. In this way we create new futures and new realities we an only imagine.

As a healer, counselor, holistic practitioner, and/or medicine carrier, you have a unique purpose and calling in this life. We call this: “Serving your unique medicine”.

In this program, we will support you in navigating the world as a medicine person. It will help you tap into your unique gifts to be of service to your medicine, while offering the wisdom and knowledge of Medicine Leadership as a foundational part of your mission.

We will dive deep into the prayer of your life, greatest happiness, and deepest success.

You will learn to understand what you're here for and bring your whole self to it… to learn how to stop being hard on yourself and learn how to celebrate your unique gifts in the world.

And to show up with great presence, leadership, wisdom, love, and medicine integrated into every aspect of your life, no matter what you do.

What we will cover...

  • Understanding the wisdom of Lakota teachings, the Medicine Wheel, prayer ties, and more.

  • The Key Tenets of George's teachings

  • Learning the art of making clear and simple prayers and integrating them into your daily life.

  • Mastering the skill of praying with others, facilitating prayer groups, and leading ceremonies.

  • Infusing the essence of medicine wisdom into your unique work, whether it's in healing spaces, counseling or coaching, ecstatic dances, cacao ceremonies, sound healing, or other forms of spiritual service.

  • Turning your Medicine Leadership Certification into a thriving spiritual offering or business.

The Details...

You will learn the foundations of the program through the online medicine teaching modules. Then, through our weekly calls, we will dive into the core teachings and you will receive personalized support from our teachers on how to apply these teachings into the unique medicine that you serve. We begin October 12th!

  • Core Medicine Leadership training videos taught by George Bertelstein in your learning portal

  • Weekly live Zoom calls with your instructors, Georgia Bertelstein and Zev Aaron, where we delve deeper into the teachings, address your questions, and discuss insights on how to bring these teachings into practice (Thursdays 12-2pm PT, starting October 12th).

  • A prayerful community of like-minded leaders on the medicine path

  • Optional Medicine Leadership Business Bootcamp: Learn to turn your certification into a thriving spiritual offering


George Bertelstein

Spiritual Leader Medicine Path Native American Church

This is what I've learned from 30 years of Ceremony...Never be surprised. Never be disappointed. Make a better prayer for your life. Ask for help! Help me to be present in the best way possible in the midst of the vast sea of what I don't know anything about. Take courage (It's everywhere!) Move forward. You will notice that your actions and behaviors will be powerful and peaceful and helpful.

Georgia Bertelstein

Informed by 15 years of Medicine Ceremonial leadership while raising a family, owning a small business, maintaining physically as an aging competitive female athlete, cultivating a happy marriage, being a mentor and a friend, Georgia’s lifelong investigation into the human experience offers unique insight into the process of real-time expansion of love and the pursuit of happiness. “Where the mundane is elevated and the elevation is humbling.”

Zev Aaron

Coach and Counselor Wolf Pack Medicine Coaching

One thing life has taught Zev is that we are never alone and there's always a great mystery supporting our life and listening to our deepest calls for help! This help will follow you where ever you go. In your business, in your family, in your relationships. Zev works to bring people deeper into their heart and prayer as way of navigating life' trials and tribulations to bring forward more peace, happiness and joy in one's life. Zev is active member of the Medicine Path Native American Church and weave these sacred teachings and traditions into his coaching, offering a holistic approach that nurtures mind, body, and spirit.

Guest Teachers

Tara Divina

Tara Divina believes that anything is possible if you’re willing to get creative.  From this lens she has created two albums of healing ceremony music, a Vedic Astrology practice, a capsule clothing line for curvy women, and a popular coaching program for medicine carriers & mystical healers who desire to get paid abundantly to be their magical selves. She draws on her varied experience as Vice President at the Warner Music Group, founder of a multiple 7-figure coaching business, and from spending more than a decade supporting people with plant medicine work.  She empowers her clients to prioritize their creative projects, build an organic fan base using authentic self expression, and generate a sustainable income using all of their gifts. She is also tapped into karmic patterns and destiny through the lens of Vedic Astrology, and combines her gift of seeing the unseen with practical know how to help people understand the deeper currents guiding their lives so they can step confidently into their full purpose.


  • Is this program solely for those interested in facilitating plant medicine ceremonies?

    While plant medicine is a core part of medicine leadership, this program is designed for individuals seeking to serve the medicine in many ways that go beyond serving plant medicine. We are not fixated on “how to serve plant medicine” in this training… We are more focused on supporting you with the unique gifts that you want to be serving in your career and life, while infusing the wisdom of Medicine Leadership into this sacred work. Whether you are interested in starting a spiritual church or community, holding plant medicine ceremonies or other forms of ceremonies, starting (or growing) a coaching or counseling business, offering sound healing, providing intuitive teachings and readings, or any other form of spiritual service, this certification will support you in growing on the path as a Medicine Leader. If you decide that you would like to serve plant medicine, the final step will be to get approval from Oklevueha Native American Church (ONAC), which we can provide support to you in this process.

  • Will I receive a certification upon completing the program?

    Yes, upon successful completion of the program and meeting the requirements, you will receive a Medicine Leadership Certification from George and Zev.

  • Will the program help me integrate Medicine Wisdom into my professional practice?

    Yes, the program is designed to empower you to integrate medicine wisdom into various aspects of your life, including your unique professional practice. Whether you are in a healing profession, coaching, teaching, or other field, the teachings and tools provided will support you in embodying Medicine Leadership in your work.

  • What’s the investment for this program? Do you offer refunds?

    Your investment is $1600/month for 3 months (or $4259 paid in full). This is a 3 month commitment and it is non-refundable, even if you decide to not participate for the term.

Medicine Leadership Testimonials

“George has been leading Medicine Ceremonies for many years, decades I believe. When he shared with the community that he was organizing a Leadership Course my ears perked up, my eyes brightened and my mind focused considering what kind of opportunity that this would mean for me. Being somewhat of a ‘lone wolf’, a bit by choice, but mostly by the requirements of my career, I find myself always having that background sensation of having affection for being part of a meaningful community. Having George Grey Eagle Bertelstein as the Elder brings to it another kind of walk. George having spent years with Traditional Elders heartfully sharing with him the underlying perspectives that make clear the ‘magic in the medicine’ sort of speak, the ‘how, why & Suchness’ of the form and action of the medicine teachings is a very rare grace to be shared on this Earth. Life is fast, busy, reduced and extracted, it is, whatever you want to call this modern age. But these Circles, these ‘Suchness’ are from another time, from every single human beings’ roots. And like our favorite shoe or favorite pair of jeans, their subtle ‘fit’ makes them less noticeable compared with the 10,000 louder ‘things’ that clamor for our attention on the daily. And these awareness’ are being far less attended to and forgotten nowadays….. Having an opportunity to sit in Circle with Maestro George as a person, and also as one who has led this Path for decades, is a rare opportunity to attune ones ‘ears' & 'eyes’ to these Ways and subtleties coming from walking on the Traditional Medicine Path.”


“The Medicine Leadership Course is a game-changer. The combination of the group, the wisdom of George and the medicine are so helpful. It brought me closer to myself, gained a group of brothers and reminded me of the prayer for my life. Highly recommended!”


“When Zev told me about his Medicine Leadership Course I was really excited because I've been looking for something just like it. Zev and George led us every week with great discussion topics to help us open up and work through difficult things. Because of this the men in the course become brothers and will always have a close relationship. If you are looking to join a group of men on a spiritual path then this is the right course for you.”


“Being part of this course was instrumental to deepen my leadership and joy in my journey. It helped me to further integrate my existing practices through simple and powerful teachings, and also through learning from the experience and prayers of others. The impact and relationships have continued being nourished long after the course finished, and I am forever grateful for it. I strongly recommend this course to those who are ready to make a fundamental change in their lives with a supportive community.”


“Can't recommend this program enough if you want a happier, lighter, and more forward-moving life for yourself, and your loved ones. ”


“The medicine leadership group experience was profound. I expected this would be strong group to work with and found that this community was able to support me to deepen my relationship to prayer, and to simplify my approach to life. There was not one word spoken in our group that I did not resonate with. The value of recognizing the similarities in our journeys cannot be overstated. Our meetings were expertly guided by the wisdom, intelligence, and love of George and Zev for which they will always have my gratitude.”
